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Ion Sync® Sports Jog Tabi

Earth Runners
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For jogging! Made by Marugo and grounded by Earthrunners!
Sole Thickness 📐
This is some text inside of a div block.
Weight 🏋
This is some text inside of a div block.
Shoe size weighed:
This is some text inside of a div block.
Sizing Advice 📏
In the Earthrunners website, there are printable size sheets that allow you to place your foot on the outline to determine your size. Make sure that the Print Scale is at 100% with regular US letter paper size. To verify if the scaling use a ruler as directed.
All out of advice on this one. Share your sizing experience in the discussion to help out the community ✌️
Reviews & Comparisons ☑️
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Discount codes 👊
"MINIMAL-LIST10" for 10% off
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